Location: New York, New York

Friday, January 05, 2007

This blog is written for and about and the
free exchange of information
on Police Pistol Combat Shooting.

In New York State the umbrella group for PPC shooting is the
New York Police Combat Association.

There are various clubs who run PPC matches under
the auspices of the NYPCA and the NRA some are listed below.
If you would like your club and its matches listed
please contact me and I will add you to our list of match sponsors

PPC Match Sponsors List

Bridge & Tunnel Police Combat Shooters Ltd.
Master Class Shooters Supply
Monroe Chester Sportsmans Club
New York City Police Department Team
New York Police Combat Association
Ramapo Police Department Team
Rockland County Police Combat Pistol Association.
Rosyln Rifle and Revolver Club

There are three different courses of fire:

The 150 shot course

1500 Revolver/Auto Match 1 - 5 (7 - 50 yards)

The 60 shot course

SemiAuto Match

distinguished Revolver/Auto

Team Match (if separately fired)

is Match 5 of the 150 shot course (7 - 50 yards)

The 48 shot course:

Service Match (3 - 25 yards)

Ready position:
Loaded gun in a right or left handed holster.
The competition must stand with arms hanging at the sides.
competitions hand may not touch the gun or holster, before targets start to turn the signal to commence firing has been given

Time of a Match means:
starting with loaded gun in holster including time to reload

Time starts:
When turning targets are used in PPC, time is begun from the time the target starts to move to face the shooter until it starts to move to edge position.
The signal to commence firing may be given orally, by whistle or by having the targets turn.


order of matches, stages & positions
Order of matches and postitions may not be changed

150-shot Course (Matches 1-5)

Match 1
a) 7 yards - 20 seconds - 12 shot (double action only)

b) 15 yards - 20 seconds - 12 shot (double action only)

standing without support, one or two handed

change target

Match 2
25 yards - 90 seconds - 18 shot (double action only)

6 shot: kneeling

6 shot: standing, left hand, left side post

6 shot: standing, right hand, right side post

change target

Match 3
50 yards - 165 seconds - 24 shot (single action allowed)

6 shot: sitting

6 shot: prone

6 shot: standing, left hand, left side post weapon in left hand

6 shot: standing, right hand, right side post weapon in right hand
change target

Match 4
a) 25 yards - 35 seconds - 12 shot, reload and holster on command

b) 25 yards - 35 seconds - 12 shot (both: double action only)

standing without support
change target

-- Match 5 -

Match 5: part of the 150-shot-course and complete 60-shot course

Match 5 - stage A
7 yards - 20 seconds - 12 shot (double action only)

standing without support, two handed

Match 5 - stage B
25 yards - 90 seconds - 18 shot (double action only) the same as Match 2

6 shot: kneeling

6 shot: standing, left hand, left side post

6 shot: standing, right hand, right side post
change target

Match 5 - stage C
50 yards - 165 seconds - 24 shot (single action allowed) like match 3

6 shot: sitting

6 shot: prone

6 shot: standing, left hand, left side post weapon in left hand

6 shot: standing, right hand, right side post weapon in right hand

Match 5 - stage D
25 yards - 12 seconds - 6 shot (double action only)

standing without support

Servcice Gun Course, 48 shot (3-25 yards)

Service Gun 48-shot course
Revolver: all stages must be fired in double action

Stage A
3 yards - 8 seconds - 6 shot

standing without support, one-handed

Stage B
7 yards - 20 seconds - 12 shot

standing without support, two handed
change targets

Stage C
15 yards - 20 seconds - 12 shot

standing without support two handed

Stage D
25 yards - 90 seconds - 18 shot

6 shot: kneeling (post must be used, line must be obeyed)

6 shot: standing, left hand, left side post

6 shot: standing, right hand, right side post


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site, hey Doc, you got old!!!

George Nigro

9:50 AM  

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