New York Police Combat Association

Location: New York, New York

Thursday, December 29, 2005

These are some members
of the
2005 NYPD pistol team.

(left to right)
1st row:
(2005 Top Gun) Mike Clark, Rich Velez, Conway Reivers, Doc LaSota
2nd Row: Wanda Guzman, Lou Clavell, Larry Riccio, Tom Fahey
3rd Row: Team Leaders: Steve Albanese, Emanuel Andrews

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

One of the great things about PPC is how the competitors treat one another. Everyone is willing to share their knowledge and experience, right there on the line with everyone else. This award is presented to the individual who epitomizes that spirit of cooperation and comradery. The winner must be willing to "go the extra mile" for the benefit of our sport, with absolutely no personal gain as an incentive.
Roy Zucca accepting 2005 award from Derrick Lopez